Wednesday 15 January 2014


I wasn't going to post today 'cos not too much has happened of interest and then I was reminded that today was a significant date:

I was gifted with some lovely presents including an altimeter! Obviously it's not come into its own yet, parked as we are on a beach, but rest assured I'll be shouting out the height to Phil as we traverse those Moroccan mountains in a few weeks time. So thanks to Catherine and Claire for that. Thanks also to Dominic for the best car sticker ever:

A peaceful day today not doing very much at all. Sunny in the morning and a bit cloudy this afternoon. We went up to the bar for a birthday drink earlier. Heck, I'll have a gin and tonic, I'm only 65 once. My kind of G&T. The kind where the barman tips a bottle of Bombay Saphire over a glass full of ice for what seems an eternity and then suggests just one drop of Angusturas Bitters. Mmmm, delicious.

Then a walk before we came back for supper. That's it really.

We're the one in the middle on the right:

Another sunset for you:

And here's one looking down on our site from the road above:


And Phil says: It's a full moon tonight and the beach is beautiful , little fishing boats offshore, gentle waves all bathed in moonlight ! Fantastic. We don't spend many birthdays like this . Obviously I'm down there doing a moon dance with my crystals - lovely .

Night all x



  1. Happy birthday Pat !!! What a great way to spend it , really enjoy reading your blog , and with pics as well ! So jel , keep on enjoying and best wishes to Phill as well

  2. You do know that they won't let you into Morocco with your new bumper sticker, it doesn't translate too well pal!

    Many happy returns

  3. Happy Birthday Pat. We are catching you up its Barcelona tomorrow.
